Increase energy at home then include these things in your meals

Friends, there are many home remedies to increase potency and these remedies are also safe. If you ejaculate early during power, your partner will not be happy at all, so it will be better for you to ejaculate late during power. For this you need to have good power. In such a situation, in today's article we are going to tell you about some ways to increase energy.

Increase energy at home then include these things in your meals

Clove is very beneficial to overcome power problems in men. Nutrients found in cloves are capable of increasing potency in men. Apart from this, clove also removes the problem of premature ejaculation.

Consuming black muesli is considered to be beneficial to overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Black Musli consumption is effective in increasing count in men. Black Musli increases power and also strengthens the body. Kali musli also increases count and quality.

Raw garlic is helpful in increasing testosterone in men. Garlic is also high in B vitamins and selenium, which improve quality. Testosterone is a hormone made in the testicles of men. Also, the allicin present in garlic keeps male hormones healthy.

Consumption of figs and raisins increases the count in men and alleviates the problem of infertility in women, improving male fertility. Consumption of figs and raisins is also beneficial for heart, eyes, skin and hair.

Increase energy at home then include these things in your meals

Regular consumption of raisins and honey increases the count in men. It also improves the quality of sperms. Consuming dried grapes and honey continuously for 40-45 days cures insomnia, premature ejaculation, metal weakness, impotence, impotence etc. in men.

Count increases with consumption of linseed. Hemp seeds remove male infertility and increase sperm and fertility. Along with this, flaxseed consumption also protects against the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Eating dry grapes cures the problem of impotence in men. Raisins are rich in amino acids, which cure impotence and increase potency in men. Eating 8-10 raisins boiled in milk daily increases sperm count and quality in men.

Take ashwagandha vidhara, shatavar, white muesli, talamkhana seeds, kaunch seeds in the amount of 50 grams each and measure with a cloth. And get 30-30 grams of sugar, take this recipe in 10-10 grams morning-evening with cold milk. Taking it continuously for one month will definitely increase the potency.

Ground cinnamon, akrakara (sevanti), munakka (dry grapes) and white gunja together and apply on the indriya and wipe with clothes during power, this yoga increases blood circulation in the indriya.

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To increase the strength, prepare the right amount of kaunchbeeja churn, white muesli, talamkhana, ashwagandha churn and consume it with cold milk in the amount of 10-10 grams, you will definitely get benefit. These are recipes that are helpful in increasing strength, energy and virility.

If there is a complaint of early fall, take the right amount of dyna flower, jet honey, nagkesar, babloofli and add half the amount of sugar in it, consume this mixture in the amount of 5-5 grams continuously for one month. It benefits in early fall.

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