Remedy for old sores and itchy skin

Friends in today's age skin diseases are also increasing due to poor diet or some other reasons. In which the most complicated and not easily cured disease is eczema, itching etc. And you may have experienced sometimes that even though it is cured properly after changing many different medicines, the scars will take a long time to go away and you have to spend the same amount of expensive expensive creams or tubes etc.

Remedy for old sores and itchy skin

But today we have brought a cure for the problem like scars, eczema, itching, etc., in which you only need two drops of this remedy to remove it and after adopting this remedy, no scar will remain, the disease will be removed from the root and your skin will be back to normal.

In the days before friends when there were no medicines, people used only Ayurvedic treatment for any problem. But today's people have forgotten this thing so friends today we are going to tell you one of the Ayurvedic remedies which is more effective than the drugs available today and it will remove all kinds of blemishes, itching and eczema.

Only three things required for this remedy are neem oil, camphor and turmeric.

Remedy for old sores and itchy skin

  • Neem oil is required to make this remedy. One to two teaspoons of neem oil is to be taken.
  • Another thing is camphor. So, friends, you have to take two small camphor pills, that is, crush them, it will be about one teaspoon of camphor. Now you have to crush the camphor by hand and mix it with oil. Now we have to add turmeric to it. Half a teaspoon of turmeric is to be mixed. Now mix all the three things.
  • Friends now our cure is ready. So now let's find out how to put it in an effective place. So to apply it, take a piece of rupee and dip it in the mixture we have made. Then apply it on the affected area and gently rub it for a minute.
  • Friends, never make the mistake of applying this remedy manually. Because if applied by hand, its infection will spread more, so always apply it with the help of Rs.
  • Friends we can cure any scar eczema or itchiness with this home remedy. Even if it is not 100 years old. So friends, whenever this problem occurs, instead of going directly to the doctor, take this remedy.

  • Now friends, let's talk about the effectiveness of this treatment, friends, we have taken neem here, then almost everyone will know about its properties that any product used for any skin disease has antibacterial properties. So it helps to eliminate the problem. Camphor prevents that problem from spreading further. While turmeric also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. which removes stains. Helps to restore our skin.

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